.. vim: noexpandtab fileencoding=utf-8 nomodified wrap textwidth=200 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}} foldcolumn=4 ruler showcmd lcs=tab\:|- list :date: 2020.07.02 16:30:18 :updated: 2020.07.02 16:32:10 :tags: EL :authors: Gilhad :summary: Zase jsem začal hrát Eternal Lands ... :title: Eternal Lands :nice_title: |elf| Eternal Lands %HEADER% .. |elf| image:: .root/logos/elf_44x050.png 2020.07.02 - Zase jsem začal hrát Eternal-Lands Tipy a triky ================================================================================ - EVTR: FE, Ironbar, Steelbar, Emerald (pod tavernou) - IotF: castle (u oltare klik na zem - Wolframite, Dwarfium), Mine(Blueberry),Chimney(WE),Hand(??),kašna-mince=Portal Room,dům u Mine(bear stone - past Tirim) - ROT: dveře na hřbitově - podzemí je na C2, takže TPR přenese do C2 PR. Death essence na zelenou mříz vlevo dole - cesta do Past Tirim. Na mapě nahoře místo do WS je zábrana (bear stone to IotF) Přístavy a cesty ================================================================================ - C1 - IP = Isle Prima - WS - WS = White Stone - IP, - C2 - Port Anitora (PA) - C1 WS, IDA - Idaloran (IDA) - PA, IRIN, MEL, NRM - BET, PV, KUS, EVTR, IRSIS - IRIN = Irinveron - IDA, ISCA, AURIUS - ISCA = Iscalrith - EP, IRIN, II - igloo (IotF) - Hulda, Tracian, Glacmore - IotF = Isle of the Forgoten - igloo (Isca) Recepty ================================================================================ `Calculator `_ https://www.el-wiki.net/Main_Page - HE = 2 Silver + 1 Chrysantem + 8 food - FE = 1 Sulphur + 1 Snapdragon + 1 Red Rose + 1 food - Silver Bar = 3 Coal + 4 Fire Essence + 8 Silver Ore + 13 food - Silver Ring = 3 Fire Essence + 2 Silver Bar + 1 food 100 of Silver Ring (IotF) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pickaxe,Leather Gloves,Mold,Leather Pants, (Harvester Meddalion, Harvester Cloak) ====== ================ Amount Ingredient ====== ================ 600 Coal 1.100 Red Rose 1.100 Red Snapdragons 1.600 Silver Ore 1.100 Sulfur 3.800 Total food: ====== ================ 1 BlueBerry to hit stone near gate 30 S2E + 119 Steel Bar on IotF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1 BlueBerry to hit stone near gate - 1 Ring of IotF - Leather set (cap, vest, pants, shoes) - 2 picaxe, 2 Gloves, 2 Hammer - Harvester Medallion, Harvester Cape **Total** ======= ================= Amount Ingredient ======= ================= 3.175 Coal 5.212 Iron Ore 2.037 Red Rose 2.037 Red Snapdragons 2.037 Sulfur 10.335 Total food: ======= ================= =~ 500 fruit/1.000 shrooms **119 of Steel Bar (1):** ====== ================= Amount Ingredient ====== ================= 595 Coal 952 Iron Ore 357 Red Rose 357 Red Snapdragons 357 Sulfur 1.785 Total food ====== ================= **20 S2E** ====== ================= Amount Ingredient ====== ================= 2.580 Coal 4.260 Iron Ore 1.680 Red Rose 1.680 Red Snapdragons 1.680 Sulfur 8.550 Total food: ====== ================= + HE = 2 Silver + 1 Chrys