.. vim: noexpandtab fileencoding=utf-8 nomodified wrap textwidth=200 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}} foldcolumn=4 ruler showcmd lcs=tab\:|- list :date: 2021.09.10 19:29:34 :modified: 2023.04.27 09:31:20 :tags: EL :authors: Gilhad :summary: Projekt Hydrobars for CoL :nice_title: |elf| Eternal Lands - Projekt Hydrobars for CoL :title: Eternal Lands - Projekt Hydrobars for CoL :comments: `2023.04.27` Added 30 S2E in Zirak %HEADER% .. |elf| image:: .root/logos/elf_44x050.png 2021.09.10 - Projekt Hydrobars for CoL ============================================ Recommended Crafting level: 61 .. class:: table-right-last-left == ========================= 2 Binding Stone 6 Enriched Life Essence 50 Gold Bar 1 Hydrogenium Bar 1 Wolfram Bar == ========================= Nexuses ========== ========== ==== Nexuses done ========== ==== Human 0/5 Artifical 4/5 Magic 3/5 ========== ==== Need 5+1+2=8 Have 1 (may do +1 in time) Left 7-6? Target ======= 6PP = 300 HydroBars = 162 + 160 (~ some place for loses) In store: ============ ==== =========== # what ==== =========== 162 HydroBars 4 HydroOre 100 Iron Bar 5 Steel Bar 1 Wolfram Bar ==== =========== Skeleton Key - OPEN Skull Key - CLOSE Actual ======= .. class:: table-right ================= ======= ====== ====== ================ ================ Ingredient Amount Store Bags Of store ================= ======= ====== ====== ================ ================ Coal 138240 1.831 640=OK Iron Ore 227200 42 Red Rose 91200 0 10 10/52.918 Red Snapdragons 91200 1.303 263 1.566/52.918 Sulfur 91200 965 4.095 5.050/52.918 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fire Essence 91.200 1.624 37.256 38.282/91.200 1.624=OK Steel Bar 25.600 5 -- 5/25.600 Iron Bar 3.200 101 -- 101/3.200 S2E Sword 1.600 5 -- 5/1.600 Hydrogenium Ore 1.600 4 -- 4/1.600 Hydrogenium Bars 160 -- -- 0/160 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hydrogenium Bars 301 162 -- 162/300 162/300 ================= ======= ====== ====== ================ ================ 160 of Hydrogenium Bar ====================== ================= ====== Ingredient Amount ================= ====== Coal 138240 Iron Ore 227200 Red Rose 91200 Red Snapdragons 91200 Sulfur 91200 Total food: 461600 ================= ====== Steps to build: Using those ingredients you will have to make: ================= ======= Ingredient Amount ================= ======= Fire Essence 91.200 Steel Bar 25.600 Iron Bar 3.200 S2E Sword 1.600 Hydrogenium Ore 1.600 ================= ======= Note: the above displays only ingredients that aren't part of the original recipe. Buildtree -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: 160 Hydrogenium Bar (1) 1.600 Hydrogenium Ore 1.600 Steel Two Edged Sword 3.200 Iron Bar 22.400 Iron Ore 9.600 Coal 6.400 Fire Essence 6.400 Red Snapdragons 6.400 Red Rose 6.400 Sulfur 25.600 Steel Bar 204.800 Iron Ore 128.000 Coal 76.800 Fire Essence 76.800 Red Snapdragons 76.800 Red Rose 76.800 Sulfur 6.400 Fire Essence 6.400 Red Snapdragons 6.400 Red Rose 6.400 Sulfur 640 Coal 1.600 Fire Essence 1.600 Red Snapdragons 1.600 Red Rose 1.600 Sulfur 30 S2E in Zirak ================================================================================ 30 of Steel Two Edged Sword (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: Amount Ingredient 2.580 Coal 4.260 Iron Ore 1.680 Red Rose 1.680 Red Snapdragons 1.680 Sulfur 8.550 Total food: Steps to build: Using those ingredients you will have to make: .. code:: Amount Ingredient 1.680 Fire Essence 480 Steel Bar 60 Iron Bar Note: the above displays only ingredients that aren't part of the original recipe. Buildtree -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: 30 Steel Two Edged Sword (1) 60 Iron Bar 420 Iron Ore 180 Coal 120 Fire Essence 120 Red Snapdragons 120 Red Rose 120 Sulfur 480 Steel Bar 3.840 Iron Ore 2.400 Coal 1.440 Fire Essence 1.440 Red Snapdragons 1.440 Red Rose 1.440 Sulfur 120 Fire Essence 120 Red Snapdragons 120 Red Rose 120 Sulfur Actual run: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could use like 20-50 bones in the end .. code:: Session: 6:50:00 Overall: 145.676 Manufact.: 4.872 Magic: 4.755 Used Items: 341 Fruits 268 Toadstool Harvests: 4.276 Iron Ore 2.600 Coal 1.700 Sulfur 1.700 Red Snapdragons 1.700 Red Rose 176 Fruits Alchemy: 1.687 Fire Essence 480 Steel Bar 60 Iron Bar 2 Enriched Fire Essence Manufacturing: 28 Steel Two Edged Sword Spells: 99 Shield 3 Restoration Breakages: 8 Pickaxe 1 Leather Gloves Crit Fails: 11 Fire Essence 2 Steel Two Edged Sword 2 Steel Bar Events: 534 Total extra harvesting exp 189 Total loose gold coin 58 Total gold coin from bags 24 Loose gold coin 24 Extra harvesting exp 10 Food poisoned 6 You hurt yourself 7 Hit a teleport nexus 1 Stung by a bee 14 Mother Nature got pissed off 7 A cavern wall collapsed 9 Upset a radon pouch 5 Bag of gold 437 Exp from Queen of Nature blessing 1 Blessed by the Queen of Nature Another run, start bars way sooner (and made ME's too) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: Session: 6:45:00 Overall: 205.690 Harvest: 84.050 (Stachanov) Alchemy: 111.902 Magic: 5.040 Manufact: 4.698 Used Items: 392 Fruits 166 Toadstool 40 Bones Harvests: 4.396 Iron Ore 2.672 Coal 1.700 Sulfur 1.700 Red Snapdragons 1.700 Red Rose 420 Fruits 144 Toadstool 110 Rose Quartz 110 Quartz 110 Blue Quartz Alchemy: 1.691 Fire Essence 480 Steel Bar 109 Matter Essence 60 Iron Bar Manufacturing: 27 Steel Two Edged Sword Spells: 112 Shield Crit Fails: 9 Fire Essence 3 Steel Two Edged Sword 2 Steel Bar 1 Matter Essence