.. vim: noexpandtab fileencoding=utf-8 nomodified wrap textwidth=200 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}} foldcolumn=4 ruler showcmd lcs=tab\:|- list |logo| base.html ################################################################################ :date: 2023.04.08 20:46:56 :tags: doc,chatGPT :authors: Gilhad,chatGPT :summary: doc: base.html :title: doc: base.html %HEADER% Jinja2 Base Template Variables ============================== This document describes the variables used in the Jinja2 base template used by the static site generator. ``root`` The root URL of the site. ``title`` The title of the page. ``SITE_URL`` The URL of the site. ``SITE_NAME`` The name of the site. ``SITE_SUBTITLE`` The subtitle of the site. ``COPYRIGHT`` The copyright information for the site. ``THEME_STATIC_DIR`` The directory where the static assets for the theme are located. ``CSS_FILE`` The name of the CSS file for the theme. ``FEED_ALL_RSS`` The URL of the RSS feed for the entire site. ``paths`` A list of (title, link) tuples representing the current page's breadcrumb trail. ``FEED_RSS`` The URL of the RSS feed for the current page. ``pages`` A list of dictionaries representing the pages in the site. Each dictionary has two keys: 'title' (the page title) and 'url' (the URL of the page). ``page`` A dictionary representing the current page. It has two keys: 'title' (the page title) and 'url' (the URL of the page). ``tags`` A list of the tags used in the site. ``actual_tags`` A list of the tags for the current page. ``blogroll`` A list of (name, link) tuples representing the sites in the blogroll. Classes Used in base.html ============================== SiteHead ---------- The `SiteHead` class is applied to the header element of the HTML page. It is used to encapsulate the top part of the website, including the site title, navigation menu, and other elements that are part of the header. `SiteTitle` ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The SiteTitle class is used to style the site title, which is displayed at the top of the website. It is often used in conjunction with the SiteHead class to style the header. SiteSubtitle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `SiteSubtitle` class is used to style the subtitle of the website, which is displayed beneath the site title. It is often used in conjunction with the `SiteTitle` class to create a consistent and visually appealing header. `SiteNav` ~~~~~~~~~~ The `SiteNav` class is used to style the navigation menus on the website. It can be used to style the main navigation menu, the breadcrumbs menu, or any other navigation elements on the page. `SiteNav pages` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The SiteNav pages class is a specific instance of the SiteNav class that is used to style the main navigation menu on the website. It is used to create a consistent and visually appealing menu that is easy to navigate. SiteNav breadcrumbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `SiteNav breadcrumbs` class is a specific instance of the `SiteNav` class that is used to style the breadcrumbs navigation menu on the website. It is used to create a consistent and visually appealing menu that allows users to easily navigate the website hierarchy. `SiteNav tags` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `SiteNav tags` class is a specific instance of the `SiteNav` class that is used to style the tag navigation menu on the website. It is used to create a consistent and visually appealing menu that allows users to easily filter content by tags. `blogroll` ---------- The `blogroll` class is used to style the blogroll section of the website. It is often used to create a list of links to other blogs or websites that are related to the content of the site. `blogroll right` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `blogroll right` class is a specific instance of the `blogroll` class that is used to align the "top" link to the right side of the blogroll section. `content` ---------- The `content` class is used to style the main content area of the website. It is often used to encapsulate the main body of the page, including text, images, and other media. `footer` --------- The `footer` class is used to style the footer element of the HTML page. It is used to encapsulate the bottom part of the website, including the copyright notice and other elements that are part of the footer. Classes again ============================== SiteHead -------- This class represents the top section of the website, which includes the site title and navigation links. It contains the following elements: SiteTitle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The title of the site, which is displayed at the top of the page. SiteSubtitle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An optional subtitle for the site, which appears below the title. SiteNav ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This class represents the navigation bar on the website, which includes links to different sections of the site. It contains the following elements: breadcumbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The breadcrumb links that show the user's current location on the site. pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The links to different pages on the site. tags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The links to different tags used on the site. blogroll ---------------------- This class represents a list of links to external blogs or websites related to the content on the site. It contains the following elements: name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The name of the blog or website. link ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The URL of the blog or website.