.. vim: noexpandtab fileencoding=utf-8 nomodified wrap textwidth=200 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}} foldcolumn=4 ruler showcmd lcs=tab\:|- list |logo| Rubber Duck - Makefile ################################################################################ :date: 2023.04.10 21:08:05 :tags: chatGPT,make :authors: Gilhad,chatGPT :summary: Závislosti :title: Rubber Duck - Makefile %HEADER% |Gilhad >| I send last prompt incomplete by mistake. * If I say `input/*.rst` it means all files in and under directory input, which ends in `.rst` (like `input/file1.rst`, `input/dir_5/file_7.rst` and such) * If I say `input/%.rst` it means just one particular file in or under directory input, which ends in `.rst` (like input/dir_5/file_7.rst) and if I mention another file with `%` in connection with the file, then it means file, where the `%` stands for the same string/filepath like `output/%.html` would be `output/dir_5/file_7.html` * if I say, that something create `tags/*.tag` it means it creates some files in that format, but not necessary all of them * * if I say `prog1` reads `input/%.rst` and writes `output/%.html` and create `tags/*.tag` that also means, that `output/%.html` depends on `input/%.rst` and that `tags/*.tag` also depends on `input/%.rst` * * Now please clear all existing bullet lists here and put there only what I will write, not what could be deducted from it and some common concets. And use the format with `*` and `%` in it, as I will write it, do not translate that to examples or values. I need you to just collect and sort my writing, not to suggest anything So: - `compile_rst.py` reads `input/%.rst`, writes `build/%.html` and create `build/.tags/*.tag` appending the `%.rst` and `%.html` into it, it does the same with `build/.authors/*.author` - `compile_tag.py` reads `build/.tags/%.tag` and create/update `input/.tags/%.rst` - if the file does not exist, it is creaded in default form, if it exist and contains some `tags_here` section, then the content of the section is replaced with reformated conntent of `build/.tags/%.tag` - `compile_author.py` reads `build/.authors/%.author` and create/update `input/.authors/%.rst` - if the file does not exist, it is creaded in default form, if it exist and contains some `authors_here` section, then the content of the section is replaced with reformated conntent of `build/.authors/%.author` - `build/.tags/.navigation.nav` depends just on names of all `build/.tags/*.tag` and is used to create global nav-bar with all tag names - it is updated only if it differs - `output/%.html` depends on `build/%.html` and `build/.tags/.navigation.nav` - `output/.tags/all_tags.html` depends also on names from `build/.tags/*.tag` - `output/.authors/all_authors.html` depends also on names from `build/.authors/*.author` |chatGPT >| Sure, here you go: * `compile_rst.py` reads `input/%.rst`, writes `build/%.html` and creates `build/.tags/.tag` appending the `%.rst` and `%.html` into it, it does the same with `build/.authors/.author` * `compile_tag.py` reads `build/.tags/%.tag` and creates/updates `input/.tags/%.rst` - if the file does not exist, it is created in the default form, if it exists and contains some `tags_here` section, then the content of the section is replaced with reformatted content of `build/.tags/%.tag` * `compile_author.py` reads `build/.authors/%.author` and creates/updates `input/.authors/%.rst` - if the file does not exist, it is created in the default form, if it exists and contains some `authors_here` section, then the content of the section is replaced with reformatted content of `build/.authors/%.author` * `build/.tags/.navigation.nav` depends just on names of all `build/.tags/*.tag` and is used to create global nav-bar with all tag names - it is updated only if it differs * `output/%.html` depends on `build/%.html` and `build/.tags/.navigation.nav` * `output/.tags/all_tags.html` depends also on names from `build/.tags/*.tag` * `output/.authors/all_authors.html` depends also on names from `build/.authors/*.author` |Gilhad >| ok, now analyse the bullet list and make another bullet list, named `dependencies`, based on the analyse |chatGPT >| Based on the provided bullet list, the following is the dependencies among different files and programs: * `compile_rst.py` depends on all `input/*.rst` files * `compile_rst.py` generates all `build/%.html` files and all `build/.tags/.tag` and `build/.authors/.author` files * `compile_tag.py` depends on all `build/.tags/*.tag` files * `compile_tag.py` generates or updates all `input/.tags/%.rst` files * `compile_author.py` depends on all `build/.authors/*.author` files * `compile_author.py` generates or updates all `input/.authors/%.rst` files * `build/.tags/.navigation.nav` depends on all `build/.tags/*.tag` files * `output/%.html` depends on the corresponding `build/%.html` file and `build/.tags/.navigation.nav` file * `output/.tags/all_tags.html` depends on all `build/.tags/*.tag` files * `output/.authors/all_authors.html` depends on all `build/.authors/*.author` files * The generation of any file in the `build` directory depends on the existence and contents of the corresponding file in the `input` directory Note that these dependencies are based solely on the provided bullet list and may not capture all possible dependencies or interactions between the different files and programs.